The Philosophy of Awesome.

Hello — and thank you for checking out the blog. In what follows, I hope to create a blog of value to those who practice hypnosis as a profession, as well as those who are curious about how hypnosis works and what it can do for your life.

I love hypnosis in all of its delightful varieties. And while I am interested in all kinds of applications, my ideal clients have something in common: They want to live an awesome life. Whether that begins with quitting smoking or overcoming procrastination, I’m always excited to hear about that which is beyond the immediate — the dreams for what an awesome life looks like for you!

I want this blog to serve both as an inspiration to you, in pursuing a life of meaning and fulfillment, as well as a chance to get to know me — what kind of character I am — to find out if I’m the right kind of hypnotist for you. For those readers that are colleagues, already working as professionals in the field, I hope to facilitate connections so we can assist each other in becoming more skilled and confident practitioners, so we can be more effective with our clients and allies. For readers of all kinds, I hope to share a bunch of tricks I’ve learned along the way that you can apply today to make your life that much more awesome.

My academic background is in Philosophy — hence the title of the blog — and there will be more than a small amount of that to go around, beginning with my personal views on epistemology and its limits, and the importance of pursuing a life that satisfies one’s aesthetic needs — a life full of beauty, as you define it.

In short — I’m less interested in what’s true than I am in what’s possible. What is possible for you beyond the life you’re living?

As we craft our stories together, I hope to collaborate with you to help you get the power to shape your world, because the more we all do that, the better our collective world will be.

I hope you’ll join me on the adventure.